Thatcher Woods, 7 deer and a coyote. Chicagoland Magic.

November 13, 2018  •  Leave a Comment



We pulled over on the side of the road into the Preserve and got out. So enamoured by the golden light and hue surrounding us, I don't even think we closed the car doors. We both just started wondering out into the beauty; as if trying to get lost in some fantastical wonderland. Instantly forgetting we were just on the outskirts of our constantly bustling beloved city Chicago. She turns to me and says, is it possible to pick up this light?

 I let out one of my ridiculous cackles and honestly said I don't know. I hope so. Turns out I came pretty close. However, no image could compare to the feeling around you of living, breathing tranquility. 




Nestled along the Des Plaines River lies 245 acres of pure magic. If you need to get out of the city and connect with nature or just get the hell away from people for a minute this is the place. Accessible via the CTA Green line but you can get even closer with the METRA Union Pacific West Line. Address-wise Thatcher Woods is considered to be in Maywood. There is a nature museum on site but I did not check it out. We drove right in and seemingly called by Sirens, blindly and carelessly wandered into the woods dizzy with nature not paying much mind to trail colors or direction much. 




I'm always a sucker for a good reflection. I found myself out in this magic with only a fixed 50mm lens. Soon I would be wishing and scolding over the fact that I didn't have my 70-200, but she is so heavy. I didn't know coffee was going to turn into a forest jaunt. They say (and I to my students) ALWAYS BRING YOUR CAMERA, but once you arrive at that place then what they mean is always bring your





At one point we were stopped near some fallen trees deep in discussion about something most likely roller derby, relationships, death or children. When we looked up and took a good look all around us. We were surrounded by 7, yes 7 deer. I have never seen 7 deer out in the wild at one sighting in my life. I couldn't believe it and I hadn't even really left the city. What?!?!?!  This is when only having a fixed fifty really ripped at me. I got as close as I felt I could without them running off. They didn't seem to jarred by our slow movements. In some of the images we were actually stepping on sticks to break them to get the deer to look up. 




Then all of a sudden all the deer ears shot up. Of course our heads shot in the direction of the deer at first we didn't see anything. Then through the distance came bounding a coyote...I shit you not. It was amazing. All the cotten tails shot up and the deer bounced off. At this point we decided to make our way back, we were pretty sure there wasn't any topping that. 




And that my friends is the amazing Thatcher woods. The text is a link to their website. I highly encourage a visit any time of year. As soon as I get some good boots I'm going back in the snow with a canon of a lens and getting some deer headshots. I can't believe I have lived not too far from this magnificence for over 17 years and am just now finding out about it. Thank you to God and my friend Tiffany for introducing me to yet another thing that makes this great city so fricking awesome!  Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the images.


What you think about expands. Choose your thoughts wisely and with love. 

Until next time.  

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