Renato Mariotti

October 30, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I recently had the experience to meet and photograph Renato Mariotti an impressive and exploding personality on the national and local Chicago political scenes. Currently with his sight set in the direction of Illinois Attorney General. Seems as if lately you can't turn on the news without seeing his face. As often with photography and politics time is usually the issue. Busy schedules and beautiful daylight are a much tricker combination than you often imagine. After a few emails about scheduling we realized we had only three short 60-90 minute slots in the time before the images were needed. We zeroed it on one date, checked the weather multiple times and decided to put all our eggs in one basket and anticipate the idea of a rain plan in the future if weather should change as it often does in this great city. As the day approached the weather was solid cloud cover which was to remain consistent over a three day radius of our shoot date. Being we didn't have much wiggle time or time for a reshoot I wanted to get a light and staging plan and flow set before the shoot. The morning before I set out for the location. Did several lighting tests and setting shots. Was able to mark and measure more than enough shots in the time we had to work with. Shoot morning I went in feeling confident and ready to love my work. Renato and his crew arrived on site and I was already fully set for shot one. We had a warm welcome and some hand shakes, clarifications on some details and then got right to work as we had no time to loose. Everyone worked together and it flowed like a well oiled machine. All except for the weather. The brightest sun you ever did see rose right up and blew all of my plans across Tobey Prinz Beach.  We made a few adjustments and still fit in more than planned which is how I like to end every job. When ever I deliver a batch of images generally only a handful of those images are going to be used and I often don't know which exact ones and not always when or where unfortunately. So when I get the chance to see them work, I enjoy it all the more. Another awesome and fun job in books. I'm only going to share the two photos they selected to use for the website, and I will follow them with my day before test shots to show what we were planning for and what we got. Check out the images and Renato at

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